***Minor spoilers for "Solo: A Star Wars Story" herein*** On rare occasions, I manage to avoid trailers before seeing a movie like "Solo: A Star Wars Story." I go in a total blank slate, and I get to enjoy or dislike the movie pure of externally-inherited bias. That said, apparently it was a particularly good thing I did so with this movie. A couple of articles, as well as this video , have been circulating the web. The consensus seems to be that a good number of people wanted the movie to fail because they don't like that it was a movie about Han Solo that didn't include Harrison Ford as the lead role. Or, they didn't like that the project was greenlit at all. Or...name any of the millions of reasons people could have for hating a movie they haven't seen. I genuinely believe a lot of the Web-based hysteria comes not from people who saw the movie, but fans of certain reviewers. Apparently film critic Angry Joe, the Forbes writer Dani...
A dumping ground for my imagination
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