Summer is and has always been, my favorite season of the year. I've spent my entire life in the Midwest, barring rare trips to the East coast or the Southwest - I cannot understate how little I enjoy being cold. When I turned 18 and was legally free to make any choice I wanted (within reason), of course, I made the logical choice: going to college in Wisconsin, a place that's even colder than Chicago. It's late July, which means summer is in full swing. The trouble is, the past few years of my life have been incredibly stressful for one reason or another. Summers have come and gone, and by fall, I've often found myself feeling as though I didn't do enough to appreciate summer while it was here. The other day, I had an interesting moment. I've been getting into the habit of, every free moment that I'm awake, thinking as hard as I can to think of things I'm grateful for, while they're happening. I'm getting better at it. It's gotten t...
A dumping ground for my imagination