Neverwinter: The Cloaked Ascendancy has been available to PC players since February, but today the console versions dropped, along with a brand new launch trailer. It’s very cinematic, in the sense that it looks like the trailer for a movie consisting of dynamic shots of people with over-the-top armor and weapons fighting giant f**koff monsters, while “The Wolves” by Cyrus Reynolds blares in the background.
The thing is, not only is it a cool trailer, it’s comprised entirely of in-game footage – always a promising sign. If a developer has the confidence to create a badass trailer with nothing but footage from the game, it usually means they are confident that the game stands on its own, without the need for flashy, pre-rendered trailers, or cutscenes spliced together in a manner akin to the misleading trailers for “Suicide Squad.”
The game is the 11th module, or expansion to the main Neverwinter campaign. Following the events of the “Storm King’s Thunder” module, it centers around a cabal of evil wizards led by Gyrion the Ascendant, a corrupted wizard and very, very bad man. It includes new weapons, as well as new quests.
Neverwinter: The Cloaked Ascendancy is now available for Xbox One and Playstation 4.
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